Yamamoto | Stick Worms
Yamamoto 5'' Senko Core Shot
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Black Blue/Blue Tip, Cinnamon/Red Tip, Green Pump Blk/ Chart Tip, Grn Pumpkin/Chartreuse Tail, Smoke w/Blk&Copp/Chart. Tip, Watermelon Amber w/Blk Tail, Watermelon/Chart Tip | Item ID: YA910523, YA910541, YA910542, YA910543, YA910547, YA910913, YA910914X
Price: $7.49 - $7.79
# Of Colors: 7 -
Yamamoto 5'' Senko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: B-Bug Grinder, Baby Bass, Black, Black Blue Glitter -, Black w/Red Flake, Blue Black/Chart Flk, Blue Pearl w/Blk & Holo, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Bubble Gum, Cajun Craw, Chart w/Black, Chart w/large Blk, Chart/Green Flake, Cinnamon Brown, Cinnamon Red w/ Blue, Cinnamon w/Blk & Purple, Cinnamon w/Blk Flake, Clear w/ Black, Clear w/ Gold Slv & Blk, Clear/Blk & Red, Cream White, Dark Pump w/Purp Blk Em, Dirty Plum, Dirty Worm, Disco Green , Dusky, Electric Worm, Fading Watermelon, Fading Watermelon w/ Purple, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Fading Watermelon w/Blue, Generals Watermelon, Gold Pearl, Green Pump w/Blk White10pk, Green Pumpkin Black, Green Pumpkin Blue, Green Pumpkin Magic, Green Pumpkin Red, Green Pumpkin/Lg Red, Grn Pump w/Grn & Purp, Grn Pumpkin Purp Copper, Houdini, Lavender Watermelon, Light Grn Pump w/Red , Mad Melon, Midnight, Morning Dawn , Motoroil w/Lg Red Flake, Mowed Grass, Natural Shad, Oxblood, Pearl w/Sm Gold/Lg Blk, Plum Apple, Plum w/ Emerald, Pump Black/Green Glitter 10p, Pumpkin w/Black Flake, Pumpkin w/Large Black, Purple Pearl/Small Blue, Purple w/Emerald Flake, Red, Red/Blk & Red Glitter, Rootbeer w/Red & Gold, Smoke, Smoke Blue Slv Purp Blk, Smoke Pearl Blue, Smoke Rootbeer/Grn Cop, Smoke w/Black, Smoke w/Blk & Purple, Smoke w/Blk & Silver, Smoke w/Blk Blue & Gold, Smoke w/Blk& Holo, South African Special, Strawberry Cream, Watermelon, Watermelon Blk Glitter, Watermelon Candy, Watermelon Disco, Watermelon Magic, Watermelon Moondust, Watermelon Red Magic, Watermelon w/lg Grn, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/Black/Gold 10 pk, Watermelon/Blk Sil Gold, Watermelon/Lg Red & Grn, Watermelon/Red | Item ID: YA910002, YA910008, YA910020, YA910021, YA910031, YA910036, YA910042, YA910042J, YA910051, YA910150, YA910156, YA910157, YA910159, YA910167, YA910169, YA910176, YA910177, YA910186, YA910187, YA910194, YA910194J, YA910196, YA910197, YA910208, YA910213, YA910214, YA910215, YA910221, YA910222, YA910229, YA910231, YA910234, YA910236, YA910238, YA910239, YA910240, YA910241, YA910284, YA910286, YA910297, YA910300, YA910301, YA910302, YA910303, YA910305, YA910306, YA910318, YA910323, YA910324, YA910325, YA910326, YA910327, YA910328, YA910329, YA910330, YA910337, YA910354, YA910355, YA910356, YA910357, YA910358, YA910359, YA910361, YA910362, YA910363, YA910367, YA910368, YA910369, YA910374N, YA910375, YA910386, YA910387, YA910388, YA910392X, YA910396X, YA910397, YA910398, YA910399, YA910400, YA910907X, YA910979, YA910980, YA910981X, YA910983X, YA910984X, YA910990
Price: $7.49 - $8.19
# Of Colors: 86 -
Yamamoto 4'' Senko Laminate
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Black/Blue Laminate, Chart/Shad Laminate, Dark Green Pumpkin/Trans Amb, Generals Watermelon, Goby, Gooseberry, Green Pump w/Blk White, Green Pumpkin Red/Watermelon, Green Pumpkin Watermelon, Houdini, Lavender Watermelon, Perch, Rainbow Trout Laminate, Red Shad, Smoke Purple Holo -, Smoke Shad, Strawberry Cream, Water Cop/Orange Red, Water Red/Lt Water Red, Watermelon & Lemon -, Watermelon Moondust, Watermelon Slice -, Watermelon/White | Item ID: YA9S10900, YA9S10901, YA9S10904, YA9S10906, YA9S10908, YA9S10909, YA9S10912, YA9S10925, YA9S10926, YA9S10927, YA9S10955, YA9S10956, YA9S10958X, YA9S10963X, YA9S10964X, YA9S10967, YA9S10968, YA9S10979, YA9S10980, YA9S10981X, YA9S10983X, YA9S10984X, YA9S10990
Price: $7.49 - $7.89
# Of Colors: 23 -
Yamamoto 4'' Senko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: B Bug Grinder, Baby Bass, Black, Black Blue Glitter -, Blue Black/Chart Flk, Blue Pearl w/Blk & Holo, Blue Pearl/Silver Flake, Bubble Gum -, Chart w/large Grn&Chart, Cinnamon Brown/ No Flake, Cinnamon w/Blk & Purple, Cinnamon w/lg Grn&Chart, Cream White, Dirty Plum, Dirty Worm, Disco Green, Dusky, Electric Worm, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Green Pumpkin Magic, Grn Pump w/Purp/Copper, Light Grn Pump w/Red , Mowed Grass, Natural Shad, Pump w/Black & Grn Glit, Purple Pearl/Blue, Purple w/Emerald, Red w/ Red -, Smoke Rootbeer/Grn Cop, Smoke w/Black, Smoke w/Blk & Purple, Smoke/Blk Blue & Chart, W'melon w/Black Glitter, Watermelon, Watermelon Disco, Watermelon Magic, Watermelon Red Magic, Watermelon Violet -, Watermelon w/Blk Flake, Watermelon w/Purple Flake, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/Black/Gold 10 pk, Watermelon/Red & Green | Item ID: YA9S10009, YA9S10020, YA9S10021, YA9S10031, YA9S10036, YA9S10042, YA9S10150, YA9S10157, YA9S10159, YA9S10169, YA9S10176, YA9S10194, YA9S10194J, YA9S10196, YA9S10208, YA9S10213, YA9S10214, YA9S10221, YA9S10222, YA9S10229, YA9S10234, YA9S10236, YA9S10239, YA9S10241, YA9S10297, YA9S10301, YA9S10305, YA9S10306, YA9S10323, YA9S10329, YA9S10330, YA9S10354, YA9S10355, YA9S10357, YA9S10361, YA9S10375, YA9S10376X, YA9S10386, YA9S10387, YA9S10388, YA9S10392, YA9S10397, YA9S10398, YA9S10399
Price: $7.49 - $7.89
# Of Colors: 44 -
Yamamoto 3'' Fat Senko
Rounding out Yamamoto's extensive line-up of soft plastics, the Yamamoto 3" Fat Senko provides an incredibly versatile, slightly chunkier profile that will have your livewell overflowing. Similar to the traditional Senko, the Yamamoto 3" Fat Senko features a plumped-up stickbait construction that imparts time-tested, subtle Senko action. Incredibly effective weightless, on a shakey head, neko rig, and much more, the Yamamoto 3" Fat Senko delivers a slightly different look that can be the key to unlocking the bite. | Colors: Black (No Flk), Chart/Shad Lam, Generals Wtrmln, Grn Pmkn Prpl Copr, Grn Pmpk/Lg Grn/Lg Prp, Watermelon w/Blk, Wtrmln w/Blue Flk | Item ID: YA9C10020, YA9C10194J, YA9C10301, YA9C10328, YA9C10330, YA9C10909, YA9C10990
Price: $5.89
# Of Colors: 7 -
Yamamoto 5'' Pro-Senko
The Pro Senko has been designed with a thicker head area to help it stay on the hook when used with Gary's Swim Jig or other Shaky-Head style jigs. It still possesses all of the original Senko's incredible fish-catching action. The Pro Senko also casts like a bullet due to its unique design and gets into the strike zone quickly. Available in a wide variety of colors, there is a Yamamoto Pro Senko up to the task. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black Blue Glitter -, Cinnamon / Blk&Prpl, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Grn P'kin w/Purp & Copper, Lt GP Lg Grn Prpl/Crystal, P'kin Black/Green Glit, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA9P10021, YA9P10194J, YA9P10196, YA9P10208, YA9P10221, YA9P10297, YA9P10301, YA9P10305, YA9P10330, YA9P10979/000N
Price: $6.99 - $7.29
# Of Colors: 10 -
Yamamoto 4'' Slim Senko
The 4" 9J Senko was created for Yamamoto's top tournament pros in Japan who required a smaller, slimmer Senko to excel under the most extreme pressure conditions. When you need to get the maximum action and attraction out of your drop shot, split shot or shakin' with a bead 'n bullet, it's time to slip on a 9J Slim Senko! | Colors: Black w/Large Blue Flk, Grn Pump Black Flk, Watermelon (No Flk) | Item ID: YA9J10021, YA9J10042, YA9J10297
Price: $6.99 - $7.39
# Of Colors: 3 -
Yamamoto 6'' Senko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black, Black w/ Blue Flake, Black w/Red Flake, Chartreuse/Blk Flk, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Grn Pump w/Red Flk/042J, Grn Pump/Watermelon, Plum w/ Emerald Flake, Purple w/Emerald Flake, Smk Rtbeer/Grn&Cop, Watermelon Red & Green, Watermelon w/ Black, Watermelon w/Gold & Blk, Watermelon w/Red, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA9L05020, YA9L05021, YA9L05051, YA9L05156, YA9L05194, YA9L05208, YA9L05213, YA9L05222, YA9L05231, YA9L05236, YA9L05297, YA9L05301, YA9L05305, YA9L05323, YA9L05337, YA9L05912, YA9L05925
Price: $6.29 - $6.89
# Of Colors: 17 -
Yamamoto 5'' Senko Laminate
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Bama Bug, Black Red w/ Silver, Black/Blue -, Bluegrass, Brown Purple, Chartreuse Pumpkin, Chartreuse Shad, Dirty Shad, Drk Grn Pmpk/Trans. Amb, Electric Shad, Goby, Gooseberry, Green Flash, Green Weenie, Grn Pump w/sm Red/042J, Grn Pump/Wat Pepper, PB & J, Perch, Purple Emer/Cinn Br Pur10pk, Rainbow Trout -, Red Shad -, Smoke Pur Blu/Water Blu, Smoke Purple Holo -, Smoke Shad, Water Cop/Orange Red, Water Red/Lt Water Red, Watermelon Slice -, Watermelon Violet -, Watermelon/Lemon -, Watermelon/White | Item ID: YA910376X, YA910900, YA910901, YA910904, YA910906, YA910908, YA910909, YA910912, YA910918, YA910921, YA910922, YA910925, YA910926, YA910927, YA910952, YA910953, YA910954, YA910955, YA910956, YA910958X, YA910960, YA910963X, YA910964X, YA910966, YA910967, YA910968, YA910973X, YA910974X, YA910975X, YA910976X
Price: $7.79
# Of Colors: 30 -
Yamamoto 3'' Senko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black, Blue Pearl/Silver Flk, Bubble Gum, Chart w/Lg Grn & Chart, Cinnamon Brown, Cream White, Fading Watermelon, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Green Pumpkin Magic, Pumpkin w/Black&Green Glit, Red/Red Flake, Smoke w/lg Blk Flk, Smoke w/lg Blk Purp, Watermelon Magic, Watermelon/Black & Red, Watermelon/Cream Lam | Item ID: YA9B10009, YA9B10020, YA9B10031, YA9B10036, YA9B10042J, YA9B10150, YA9B10157, YA9B10169, YA9B10194J, YA9B10196, YA9B10208, YA9B10229, YA9B10241, YA9B10297, YA9B10301, YA9B10305, YA9B10354, YA9B10355, YA9B10901
Price: $5.20 - $5.70
# Of Colors: 19 -
Yamamoto 5'' Thin Senko
The Yamamoto 5" Thin Senko is the skinny cousin of the original 5" Senko. The slender body of Thin Senko lends itself well to drop shotting and other finesse presentations. But it's able to differentiates itself from the other trick or slender worms with its characteristic Senko action. The Yamamoto Thin Senko still possesses that unique Senko characteristic of shimmying and shifting with tip quivering action. | Colors: Green Pumpkin Black, Watermelon/Blk&R | Item ID: YA9M10208, YA9M10297
Price: $7.29
# Of Colors: 2 -
Yamamoto 7'' Senko
If there's been one lure that has changed the face of fishing over the years, it's the Senko. With its wide range of uses and subtle natural action, the Senko has quickly become a favorite with anglers all over the world. The beauty of the Senko is in its simplicity. The Swimming Senko brings a whole new dimension to Senko fishing. When rigged weightless, the Swimming Senko falls horizontally with a seductive side to side tail action, the tail action of the swimming senko has more vibration and movement than its brother, which can be extremely productive in stained water situations. The subtleness of the original Senko is still prevalent, but the Swimming Senko has more kick in the tail section. The Swimming Senko also works great when pitched or flipped when rigged Texas-rigged. The Yamamoto Swimming Senko is another deadly version of a proven winner. | Colors: Baby Bass, Black w/Lg Blue Flake, Fading Watermelon w/Blk, Green Pump w/Grn & Purp, Green Pumpkin Black, Grn Pump w/Red Flk/042J, Watermelon w/Red, Watermelon/Black & Red | Item ID: YA9X05021, YA9X05194J, YA9X05208, YA9X05297, YA9X05301, YA9X05305, YA9X05337, YA9X05925
Price: $6.59
# Of Colors: 8